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The pregnancy symptoms that may occur after in vitro fertilization (IVF) are no different from the early pregnancy symptoms any woman has. Once the embryos are transferred back to the uterus, if pregnancy occurs, it will proceed like any other. However, a woman who has undergone IVF must read any symptoms she experiences with caution. The IVF procedure usually requires women to take certain hormones that can cause pregnancy-like symptoms even in women who are not pregnant.

It is common for women begin feeling fatigued within days of conception (or in the IVF patient’s case, transfer). This symptom is caused by a surge in the hormone progesterone. In natural pregnancies, progesterone is released by the body in increasingly higher amounts as the hormone is necessary to maintain the lining of the uterus in which a fertilized egg implants.

Many women are not sure of what to look for when it comes to symptoms of early ivf pregnancy. IVF is one of the most common artificial aid to pregnancy. Through an IVF procedure, an egg is fertilized outside the body, in a Petri dish. It is then implanted into the body of the mother. The surgically implanted fertilized egg follows the normal course of development like in any usual conception.

IVF has given hopes to thousands of couples around the world who have not been able to conceive naturally. However, there is confusion regarding the possible symptoms of early ivf pregnancy. IVF is a generally painless process. After fertilization, the eggs are transferred to the womb using a catheter. The symptoms of early ivf pregnancy might show up soon after, once an egg latches onto the uterus walls. Soon, your body will start producing hormones to support the pregnancy.

Pregnancy Journal
Keeping a pregnancy journal from the symptoms of early ivf pregnancy to delivery can be a little more challenging. You need to know the date the egg was fertilized. You need to keep a record of the date of implantation.

The First Symptoms
After the pregnancy is confirmed using ultrasound, you will begin to have the normal symptoms. After the egg has attached to your uterus, you will begin to feel the symptoms.

Some Of The Symptoms That Confirm Pregnancy After IVF Cycle Treatment

  • Lower abdominal cramps
  • Elevated basal body temperature
  • Absence of periods, also known as Amenorrhea
  • Tenderness of breasts
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness and fatigue
  • Fainting spells
  • Aversion to certain smells and foods
  • Craving for certain foods
  • Other symptoms include pain in the lower back and increase in urination.
After transfer, IVF patients must take progesterone supplements or injections to maintain this lining. The fatigue an IVF patient feels after transfer may be due to the progesterone supplements, or it may be due to progesterone that is released by the body because a pregnancy has started.
Pregnancy Symptoms after ivf

Nausea is probably the most well-known sign of pregnancy. It is caused by increased amounts of hormones in the woman’s body. Sometimes nausea can begin as early as a week after conception. For the IVF patient, it may occur within days of the embryos being transferred back to the uterus. Despite this being the classic symptom of pregnancy, not all women become nauseated. Some women feel perfectly healthy, while others feel sick all day long.
A classic sign of early pregnancy is the need to urinate frequently. According to the March of Dimes, this symptom is caused, in part, by the production of the hormone human chorionic gonadtropin (hCG). HCG is made by cells that form the placenta, and under normal circumstances its presence in the body is a definitive sign of pregnancy. But many IVF protocols require the patients to take shots of hCG after transfer to help sustain a pregnancy if it occurs. Thus, if a woman has had an hCG shot, the frequent urination may be caused by the shot, and not pregnancy.

An IVF patient should expect her period to arrive approximately 14 days after transfer. If more than 14 days pass without a period, the patient may be pregnant. Sometimes, a woman may have a considerably lighter or shorter period than usual –this may be an early sign of pregnancy as well.

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